This morning, on the server Snowy River, Bruen5 and me Frostylittle witnised the impossible. About twenty penguins, half red half green where standed in a striaght line like in the picture above. THEESE WHERE NOT REAL PENGUINS!!!!!!!! They where simply what we call Glitched Penguins! They can't talk more than one sentence(most don't talk at all) most of their names are Penguin124243123124(but now they are starting to have strange names penguins don't normally have like I love iraq) and they can't use the map. Today Bruen5 and me where sitting in front of the Dojo and saw about ten Green Penguins rush in. They all screamed "GO! GO GREEN" and left. We then saw them again at the Dock, BUT NOT ONLY GREEN BUT RED!!! Wow! We had a crazy morning!
-Frostylittle and Bruen5